Thursday, 2 October 2014

buisness card idea (photography based)

Hi guys! This blog today is going to be some designs I created using Zazzle (link below). Zazzle is an online retailer that allows the public to customise their own merchandise.

Logo design for Zazzle

Design 1

Front of buisness card
Back of buisness card

 I really like this buisness card  design because I think it is really clever design as the front of the buisness card is the front of a camera.  The lens on this buisness card is 3-D which is really cool so this makes it 'in your face' and very eye-catching.    However, I don't think the black camera makes the buisness card very 'unique'.  This is because black is quite a boring colour so it doesn't make it very eye-catching.

Design 2


This buisness card design is more eye-catching and brighter as the other design, This is the same idea as the other design but different back and also different colour.  Pink is my favourite colour so this makes it very personal and eye-catching.    The layout on the back is very unusual but creative at the same time because there are 2 differnet colours which go with black (this makes the writing really clear), and also like how there are different different fonts and size.

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